Creating for YouTube
Why YouTube?
The list of reasons to utilize YouTube in your social marketing, and content strategy are many, so many that we dare not list them all here
However, let’s start with the basics.
YouTube is the largest video-sharing site in the world and it is the 2nd largest search engine on the planet.
YouTube has billions of monthly active viewers. Without a single doubt, your audience uses YouTube.
YouTube is free to use and can become a revenue source all on its own for you and your business.
What is our approach?
Quality and Quantity
Fortunately, the platforms tell us how to use them for the greatest impact. With that in mind, our strategies revolve around creating cinematic, beautiful videos that draw your audience in so you can deliver your carefully crafted, purpose-filled message to a captive audience.
Then, to support that, we cut it up into as many short-form videos as we possibly can, and post them as often as we can. The minimum for explosive growth is generally around 3 posts per day., to the right, you can see the effect that this had on one of our client’s channels.
Our Results
Depending on what you are already doing, we could see 100% to 1000% increases in viewership in the first month. Please see our Case Studies on Abundant Beans and Earth Treks for more info on the kinds of results we drive.
Taking it beyond views
Views are great, but how to we translate that into sales? We have extensive expertise in what it takes to actually translate the attention you get on social media into actual sales. We can be your one stop shop for creative and marketing, or we can plug into your existing marketing and sales teams to create what is needed.
Pricing is dependent on the full scope of the project, but pricing starts at $750 a month